Sunday, October 25, 2009

NDa ku Dapat terima!!!!

bad mood ku ne...badmooooooood!!!! tluan jua banar penjeles jelamanya... talan tia eh, nda payahkan ko jeleskan lagii.. sekadar greet happy birthday pun sampai kejiwa bah...buduh hantap bini2nya..nda jua ku kan mencuri pakah bf mu atu...aku pun tdapat x ah...lagi ku sayang...mihir!!!! ptuiii ptuuiiii....

nah nah...marah hantap tahap kronic ku udah nii!!!
nda jua ku kan menipu pakah... mihir sulnya!!!!

This is what i wrote to him arah fb,
Mimie Hs Happy advance bday (:
September 24 at 11:00am · Comment · Like / Unlike · See Wall-to-Wall

and this is the msg from that bloody full!!
Dya Mashor October 25 at 7:14pm Report
im sorry to dsturb...i just wanna ask who are you?? you and *** ada apa?? because i saw ur tagged seems that u really like him...just be honest..i wont kill..nada yg rugi jua kalau cakap bnr2...if ure thinking to lie or what no matter how it wil be sooner or later ill a girl so i know how it feels and i dont really think 'bmusuh2' is such a good idea..Salam...

This is what i wrote back to her:
Mimie Hs October 25 at 8:38pm
Wasalam.. Btw which *** yg u maksudkan? Ive lots of frens yg namanya ***.. n what do u mean i like him? What makes u ckp mcm atu?
Sent via Facebook Mobile

AND IF....
Ia cakap macam2 i will boommmm her back... Bitch...!!